
We have just hit autumn, and we are fast approaching the cold, harsh winter, so of course, you need to keep your home warm. But what about your loft conversion? You also need to keep that warm in the winter – but how?

Is It Expensive To Keep My Loft Warm In The Winter?

It depends on the quality of heating that you want, fitted heating appliances can be quite costly, but it depends on factors such as the size of your loft etc.

But there are inexpensive methods that you can use to help keep your loft conversion warm without having to break the bank – if you want to find them out then keep reading!

#1 Underfloor Heating

One of the best methods to help keep your loft conversion warm in the winter, also perfect for chilly mornings when you don’t want to get out of bed.

It is widely known that heat rises so this is one of the best forms of heating for your loft conversions, for one room underfloor heating is going to be reasonably affordable and will heat up your loft conversions Bedford quickly without racking up large amounts of extra money onto your energy bills.

If you do not want any extra work done on your home or don’t want to pay any more costs, then there is a cheaper alternative to having industrial underfloor heating installed. Underfloor heating mats equate to around £20-£25 and come with many beneficial features such as a 15-year warranty and an incredibly fast instalment time.

Alternatively to this underfloor heating is normally hot water that is pumped through the pipes under your floor – which can sometimes work out expensive throughout your home. But if fitted for one room like a loft conversion this is affordable.

#2 Radiators

Not only could this warm up your home efficiently but you are also dramatically decreasing your homes carbon footprint, electrical energy are the forms of eco-friendly electricity.

Things such as wind power, water power, geothermal power and much more. Although this does not mean you need a wind turbine fitted on your roof, you could consider having solar panels installed to produce the energy for your loft conversion – which is also a cheaper alternative. Although solar panels are expensive when you first buy them, you will soon make money back that you spent by saving on your energy bills.


#3 Carpet Your Loft Conversion

A warmly toned carpet can change the entire design of your loft conversion, not to mention the warmth of your feet when you climb out of bed. A wooden or tiled floor is going to make your room a lot colder, and when you put your feet, it’s not going to be as nice as a carpet.

A nice fuzzy carpet can make a room look cosy in appearance and make it more comfortable, carpet can retain warm air for longer which gives it its energy conservation properties.

#4 Double Or Triple Glazing

A must-have for any home or room within the winter, 55-70% of each homes produced heat is lost through single-paned windows. Double glazing is also useful for capturing and retaining a high percentage of natural heat produced by the winter sun; it also reduces the amount of moisture left over on your window sills and window panes.

With double glazing, you will need less electrical or gas heating installed as you are reducing energy consumption which is good for the environment and your bank account.

If there is a build up of too much condensation, it can turn into a mould or mildew problem, which if left will become a serious health problem for you and your family.

double glazing loft windows

#5 Loft Insulation

When it comes to loft insulating you have two options to choose from; the first way is to insulate between your ceiling and the roof. However, this can be a lengthy process as you have to take your lofts ceiling down or take the tiles off of the roof which is also known as re-roofing, but if you’re already in the process of doing this, then it may be the easier option.

The other option you have is to internally insulate by adding an extra layer of insulation to the ceiling which is basically a stud wall with insulation between. Sometimes, however, this is not the most practical method as it can restrict the height of your room in space that is restricted.

#6 Thick Curtains

Make the most out of your curtains, they are there to keep the light out, but you should use them to let the light in – as light is heat! There are thermal lined curtains available on the market that are affordable and have thicker material to help retain heat in the room.

However, if you are on a budget then in the past people have made their own thermal curtains using everyday household items such as fleeces or even shower curtains.

pink curtains

#7 Clear Your Radiators

You might really like how your loft conversion Milton Keynes looks with your sofa positioned in front of the radiator, but you are wasting valuable heat energy that is going into your sofa.

Move your sofa to somewhere else or any large items of furniture positioned in front of your radiators, this then allows the heat produced by radiators to spread evenly across the room and heat it up more efficiently.

#8 Plug-In Heaters

You should always make sure that when using these that you never leave them plugged in or unattended, these can be helpful for quick almost instant heating. You can pick up plug-in heater from places like Argos for reasonable prices that can simply be plugged in and switched on to provide the intensity of heat you wish for, as well as how fast it is blown out.

So for fast heating then this could be the ideal buy for you, even for really chilly days.

child and mother heating hands on electrical heater


So now you know some top tips on how you can keep your loft conversion warm and properly insulated in the winter you can sit and enjoy relaxing evening as it leads up to Christmas.

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